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We believe the biggest challenges in our society can be solved through creative, forward thinking engineering. We cultivate our environment for growth and give every team member the ability to develop ideas and make organic decisions with complete autonomy to deliver solutions, regardless of their title or role. Our company's flat hierarchy allows anyone to create the next great solution, or the next great execution.

Fewer Reports and Approvals

The best way to promote innovative thinking is by providing a welcoming environment for ideas to flourish. We provide opportunities for employees to experiment with new technologies, products, and processes to catalyze the next big thing. We aim to stay ahead of the curve, and taking action on ideas instead of just talking about them helps us do that.

Open Job Profiles

Job titles pigeon-hole people into performing only within the boundaries defined by their role. We want people to think outside the box and not be limited by their title. Creativity and skills get utilized more efficiently when people don't feel restricted by a list of actions they can take.

Collaborative Environment

We succeed when we work together. We know anyone can have great ideas to improve our products, so keeping everyone in the loop allows for the full application of everyone's talents instead of splitting into groups, which results in isolation of information. Sharing knowledge fosters office creativity and bolsters relationships.